• thich nhat hahn

    Vietnamese monastic and peace activist

  • roshi halifax

    Zen Roshi founder of upaya zen center in Santa Fe

  • bernie glassman

    Founder of Zen Peacemakers and bearing witness retreats

    • Creating Advanced Directives and Five Wishes documents

    • Interface with hospice

    • Facilitating difficult conversations with family & friends

    • Pre-death celebrations of life

    • Green burial decisions

    • Writing an “Ethical Will” to express your values and the legacy you wish to impart

    • Writing lasting love letters to those around you

    • Life review and legacy projects

    • Celebrating the treasures of the life you’ve lived

    • Exploring any spaces of forgiveness, reconciliation and gratitude you wish to enter

    • Creating your Personal Comfort Care Plan

    • Support for Medical Aid in Dying process

    • Anticipatory grieving

    • Vigil planning and respite support

    • washing and dressing the body, presence and guidance during transfer of body to funeral home, ceremony planning, bereavement services

  • P.E.A.C.E. at the End of Life

    This 15-hour retreat focuses on Presence, Equanimity, Appreciation, Compassion and Ethical Engagement as practices that serve those who are entering the dying time of their life and their families.

  • Deep River Dreaming

    This 13-hour retreat is an exploration of our personal and collective dreamworlds. We’ll practice sharing dreams with an approach that respects and honors the dream and the dreamer. Our deep listening, full hearted presence and appreciation of the wisdom of the worlds of imagery invite us to receive and interact with the dream as a gift to each of us.

  • Private end of life sessions

    this four part Series, totaling six hours, is designed to align with your personal end of life interests and needs, utilizing creative experiential exercises for a rich and intimate experience.

  • private Grief and Bereavement Services

    In my personalized grief counseling sessions, I draw on my extensive background in traditional and Contemplative approaches. Tailored to your needs, we'll explore the impact of loss and integrate meaningful practices for healing.

  • High Desert dreaming series

    Join our 5-part series of 2-hour circles for 8-10 dreamers, where we deeply engage with our dreams, honoring their wisdom and respecting their landscapes. Sessions take place on Wednesdays at Hondo Mesa Sanctuary.

  • Mentoring

    In the end-of-life arena, we tap into our inner and outer resources, often benefiting from the insights of experienced mentors. With over 30 years of experience, I offer supportive mentoring to keep your work fresh and effective, addressing various challenges from hospice care to self-care. Sessions are available in person or via Zoom/phone, with flexible pricing options. Contact me to book a complimentary 20-minute session and explore how mentoring can elevate your work in this vital field.

  • Free 20 Minute Consultation

    Confirm a free consultation via Zoom or phone top explore how I can best serve you.

  • "Our greatest hOur of need"

    Rose attended us during the last months, weeks and days of Ethan's life and held us both with great tenderness and care. Her consistent, calm, respectful way of being with us engendered deep trust which was so necessary for us to do the work that was before us. Rose has a special Presence, she is generous of Spirit, very knowledgeable in understanding and conveying the death and dying experience, is enormously compassionate and is a most heartfelt provider of Solace. I am forever grateful that she was there for us in our greatest hour of need.

    -Mona Silkwood, LPCC

  • "In the end you were right"

    Just wanted to let you know that in the end you were right, Art got what he wished for. Once in Hospice everything happened quickly and smoothly. it was truly one of the most beautiful and blessed events I have experienced, with his boys and my daughters surrounding him all very peaceful as we sent him off...Thank you Rose Gordon, our death doula. Our entire family was so grateful for the wonderful work. So many thanks from the bottom of my heart.


  • "Words Seem Inadequate"

    Words seem inadequate to express for all the support and care your teams gave Bob and me. Thanks for being such blessings during this process. A special mention to… Rose. You fill a vital need with a special touch.

    -E. Regan

  • Grief and the depth of your love

    In "Grief and the Depth of Your Love," Rose Gordon delves into how personal loss and love intersect with transformative force in shaping our actions for Earth's preservation.

  • A Fullness of Heart Love, Healing & 
Well-Being in Troubling Times

    In this presentation, Rose Gordon delves into the transformative power of the four chambers of the heart. Through introspective questions, participants are prompted to explore personal treasures that offer solace and resilience.

  • Caregiving: Finding Lost Time Together

    Rose Gordon explores the challenges caregivers face in maintaining meaningful connections with their loved ones amidst daily tasks. Through a poignant encounter with Laura, an elderly woman in hospice care, Gordon illustrates the importance of preserving shared memories and cherished moments.